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商标 Font Installer 签名图标。
商标 Font Installer 签名图标。

Font Installer

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Ache e instale as melhores fontes para Android
t Installer is an app that lets you download and install hundreds of different fonts in your Android smartphone. To apply them correctly, you do need to make sure your smartphone is ‘rooted’. Otherwise, you can look at the fonts but you won’t be able to install them. Using Font Installer is easy: you can check out a list of available fonts on the main window of the app. These are organized from most popular to least popular. You can also organize them in alphabetical order or use the search box if you know the name of the font you’re looking for. When you click on the fonts, you can check them out in detail and with just one additional click you can install them. Font Installer is a really useful customizing app that gives you access to hundreds of fonts for your Android app.