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商标 Puppy Palace 签名图标。

Puppy Palace

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you've always wanted to take care of a puppy but you've never had one, or you want your kids to learn the responsibilities that come with having a puppy, Puppy Palace is the perfect game where you can adopt a puppy and learn how to take care of a dog, with all that entails. In Puppy Palace, you can choose which dog you want to take home. Once he's home, your job is giving him everything he needs. This adorable puppy has preferences when it comes to eating, playing, and sleeping, so pay attention if you want to make him happy. The first thing you have to do is wash your pet, since he's dirty enough to need a bath. Soap him up and rinse him off, then dry him off even if it looks like he wants to play in the water. Once your puppy is clean, you can play with him and give him affection. In Puppy Palace, there are tons of items to use with your dog. You can play fetch, put on sunglasses, or even do a photo shoot. Have a great time with your pup and make other dogs happy, too, in this game where you can keep adopting puppies as long as you want!