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商标 Tempusbasic 签名图标。
商标 Tempusbasic 签名图标。


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Melhore a eficiência da sua empresa com esse gerenciador de RH
pusBasic is an invaluable tool for any company that wants to achieve the highest efficiency possible from its employees. Using the different sections TempusBasic offers, you can easily keep everything under control. For example, from the personnel tab, you can see the different annual holidays and vacations assigned to each employee, and manage each one. In the shifts section, you can see all the shifts assigned throughout the work day and which employee is assigned to each one, as well as edit or modify them as you please. TempusBasic lets you clearly see the number of hours worked and manage and analyze the different incidents that could possibly affect productivity. You can also attach images and comments to your reports that are completely customizable for each employee, and create different groups so the members of your personnel are organized in the best way possible for the company. Increase productivity and have your company's entire internal structure neatly organized in this simple yet comprehensive program. You definitely won't regret giving TempusBasic a try.